Welcome to Little Sprotus

About Us

Welcome to the Little Sprouts a child’s early years of life are an Important fact in their overall development So we endeavor to provide a wonderful fulfilled environment Conductive to the growth of each child. We offer programs for Toddlers, play schools, junior Kg and Senior kg.


At The Little Sprouts our goal is to prepare children for life by
facilitating their normalisation process for their overall development.
According to the Montessori method , “education begins from birth, as infants begin to aborb information and adapt to the environment from the moment birth. The system encourages conditions conducive to natural child
development such as love and affection.


The first six years of a child are the most important period of
human development. These are the precious year when children start
constructing their personalities .Therefore, we put in every effect possible to
catch their early years and guide them towards their goal.


Our system aim for the holistic growth of the child. The prepared
curriculum supports graduate development with sustained support for the
children to develop physically ,emotionally ,socially ,mentally and spiritually
.Each child is treated as a unique ,individual with immense potential for


Children tend to learn better and more naturally through direct experiences
with environment. Freedom and responbilities go hand in hand in Montessori
school. This awareness is cultivated in children by including them in the upkeep of an orderly environment and handly material carefully. This experiences brings sense of achievement and fullfillment in the children, therby developing a natural love for exploration and learning. Children are aslo encouraged to look at the world in the positive way. By exposing children to responbilities and challenges, we help children acquire inner control.

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